Monday, September 13, 2010

Home-made Cleaning Products

I thought I would share you some recipes for some eco-friendly household cleaning products.
Buying products from a supermarket can be expensive and the fumes which are let off are not good for the environment; but by using these cleaning products you will save money and also do your bit for the environment. These home-made products will do just the same job as the ones your buy from the supermarket but will save you money. A word of caution before I begin......

Although ingredients for these cleaners are baby and environmentally friendly for the most part, always use care in mixing up your own cleansers. These 'recipes' are meant to be used by adults.
Use new empty containers (spray bottles etc) to store your solutions in. Make sure you wash out the container well.
Always label what's in the container with a permanent marker. Include the ingredients, in case of emergency. HINT: Write the recipe for the mix right on the bottle with a permanent marker, for easier mixing the next time.

Homemade glass cleaner recipe
2 cups of water
3 tablespoons of white (clear) or cider vinegar
You can also add a couple drops of essential oil, if you want it to smell nicer.
You can soften the water with a little baking soda, which will react with the vinegar to make a stronger cleaning solution.
Mix these ingredients well in a spray bottle. Spray on paper towel or a cloth first and then wipe glass/mirror. HINT: Newspaper reduces the smears!


All-purpose cleaner and deodorizer recipe
4 tablespoons baking soda
1 cup of warm water

Pour this on a clean sponge and wipe. It's really good for inside the refrigerator, your appliances and your kitchen counters.
TO CLEAN A TOILET with the same basic 'recipe':
Sprinkle around the edges inside the toilet bowl with about 5 tablespoons of baking soda. Carefully and lightly pour a cup of white vinegar, (watch the reaction, but don't get your face too close) Go "whoo hoo!" then scrub your toilet with a toilet brush.


Homemade oven cleaner recipe
Just baking soda and water
Sprinkle the bottom of your oven with 1/3 cup baking soda then spray over it with water. Leave it alone overnight or at least for several hours to let it work in. After letting it sit, you can scrape off the spills with a spatula. Rinse the oven well with water.

I hope these recipes help you with your everyday cleaning and help you save money.

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